Monday 24 November 2014

ROAR !!!

Flitted about the BlogLands over the weekend ... but it was so brief - didn't have the time, or inclination to cast anything in stone, though.

It is said that people who exhibit the most kindness have likely experienced a lot of pain;
The ones who act like they don't need love, likely needs it most;
The ones who take care of everyone else's needs are likely the ones who need being taking care of, most;
And the people who smile a lot are the ones who cry when there is no-one around.

Laugh with me, Cry with me; R O A R with me (whenever I make use of this word I think "Pink" - Just love the song) - Sometimes we just need a hug. A hug where someone wraps their arms around you so tight and reminds you that everything will be okay.

I received one of those hugs tonight. I didn't think that I need one but it really did feel good. The kisses that followed wasn't bad, either. 

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