Tuesday 25 November 2014

Is *she not the most beautiful?

A glorious and wondrously beautiful day at the southern-most tip of Africa ... Our higher-powers are boasting their majesty, it seems

Water masses and skies are bluer than blue ... and, aye, the grass and trees luschiously green ...

Tis my *Tink's 5th birthday today and, verily, this wee Pixie-mum's cup runneth over.

The wee Tink's day starts out with celebrating her birthday with her pre-school fwends; Followed by a Tea Party for her and the girl cousins at Gramma's house; And ends with a swim and supper at Pixie mum's favourit-est beach in all of PixieLand!

Did this Pixie-mum mention that the wee Tink is every bit as artistic. I witness her life and talent in awesome wonder.(insert GOOD sigh)

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