Friday 7 November 2014

Inspired to start blogging again

* View from the street just-just before I turn left into my drive way
Though I am no longer up-a-tree I have, lately & again, felt a strong yearning for expression. I also find myself looking at, looking up trees, even photographing some ... all the time with very fond memories.
This ether-space that I've been pulled toward is a far, Far, FAR cry from where I first, amid a few like-minded souls, started out. I miss those days dearly however, like everything else that now exists in the past, it served it very specific purpose.
Consider a concrete jungle crushed & smashed to the ground by a mean ol' giant's fist. That is where I started out. I was lost; I found an unlikely outlet; I rediscovered colour, shapes, textures; I learnt that I actually did have a few creative bones in my body AND I acquired some new, and now life-long, friends.
By allowing the EX-pression I very slow but surely put the pieces back together & built myself back up; It appears 3 times stronger than before.

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