Tuesday 25 November 2014

Another day to run

Strange ... though I am through the tunnel (spoken about in Too Strong for too long) when being honest with myself then I have to acknowledge that, lately, I've been having a spot of difficulty moving. Let alone moving forward. I thought I had been (sharing positivity & understanding through my experiences) but, really, I have not.

And if I have to brutally honest with myself then I would, also, have acknowledge that it's not just been lately - I believe I may have been using this comfort zone as a wee bit of semi- permanently sheltered hide-out.

I realized (insert wistful sigh) this after reading the reponses to 
Too Strong for too long& ROAR !!!, as well as while listening to a friend 'sharing' his story with me.

I have always believed, sincerely, that love (in its many, may shapes & sizes) is the cure to all that ails. And when I say 'love' then I'm not, necessarily, referring to butterfly flutters of romantic love, only ... I'm also referring to truly discovering the meaning of certain types of relationships. E.g.
- Mother/Father to child;
- grandparents/children;
- forming attachments (to older folk/orphans/street kids) possibly out of empathy/sympathy/ or 'a deep hole existing in your heart that you're just trying to fill' ;
- BFFs;
- husbands/wives;
- the modern-day partnerships (when folk call themselves 'attached' )
- momentary, or opportune, chemistry-induced connections; and finally
- 'finding the one' (I kept this separate because I've seen that, sadly, this rare find is NOT, necessarily, exclusive to the institution of marriage)

... Since 'inking' the last ' ) ' above ... I've mentally digressed.  And though I know I needed to give an out to 'all of this' I am not certain where, exactly I'm headed with it. Apologies - I'll return to finish the post once I've managed to clear my head ... 

Right now, all I know is that I don't want today to be just 'another day to run'.


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