Friday 26 December 2014

Holiday Humor #002

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 26, 2014 12:47 pm

JUST IN !!!    Two new additions to the periodic table of element


ATOMIC WEIGHT: (do not even go there)

              - Generally round in form. 
              - Boils at nothing and may freeze at any time. 
              - Melts whenever treated properly. 
              - Very bitter if mishandled.

              - Very active. 
              - Highly unstable. 
              - Possesses strong affinity with gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones. 
              - Volatile when left alone. 
              - Able to absorb great amounts of exotic food. 
              - Turns slightly green when placed next to a shinier specimen.

              - Highly ornamental. 
              - An extremely good catalyst for dispersion of wealth. 
              - Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known.
CAUTION: Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.


ATOMIC WEIGHT: (180+/-50)

              Solid at room temperature, but gets bent out of shape easily. 
              Fairly dense and sometimes flaky. 
              Difficult to find a pure sample. 
              Due to rust, aging samples are unable to conduct electricity as easily as young samples.

              Attempts to bond with WO any chance it can get. 
              Also tends to form strong bonds with itself. 
              Becomes explosive when mixed with KD (Element: Child) for prolonged periods of time. 
              Neutralize by saturating with alcohol.

              None known. 
              Possible good methane source. 
              Good specimens are able to produce large quantities on command.
CAUTION: In the absence of WO, this element rapidly decomposes and begins to smell.

NY Resolution 2015: I am turning 16 into 365 ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 26, 2014 12:47 pm

IF I knew how then THIS post would be pinned into position #1 to serve as a daily reminder for myself as well as anyone who visit this blog!


Feel free to turn around and leave IF this offends you.



Holiday Humor #001

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 25, 2014 11:29 pm

An Ode To my Bra ...

To the greatest invention ever made
You're so uplifting you could star in you own parade
You keep my breasts held up nice & high
When I take you off I give the loudest sigh

We've been together through thick and thin
When you go on sale you're a major win!
For low plunging tops your the best push-up
When I want them hidden I wear a full cup

Most days you're my best friend
But not when you fade or bend
When you're perfect you fit all my needs
For fancy soirees I may even cover you in beads

Most of all - you make me look and feel the best I can be
I'll shout it out loud and print it on my 'T'
So - Thank you for every thing you've done
Now support me on the dance floor and let's have some fun!!!!

BY: Now That's Lengerie dot com

What Religion is Your Bra?

A man walked into the ladies department of a Macy's and shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter and said, I'd like to buy a bra for my wife.

What type of bra? asked the clerk.
Type? inquires the man, There is more than one type?

Look around, said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color and material imaginable .
Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from.

Relieved, the man asked about the types. The sales lady replied:
There are the Catholic, Salvation Army, Presbyterian, and Baptist types. Which one would you prefer?

Now totally befuddled, the man asked about the differences between them.

The Sales lady responded, It is all really quite simple ...

The Catholic type supports the masses.
The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen,
The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright, and
The Baptist makes mountains out of mole-hills.
BY:  w w w dot dot dot ...
Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 24, 2014 10:45pm

It's 01.57 am on 25/12/2014 in South Africa .. And that means that I can finally say:


Live, love and be safe

The Merriest of Christmas & Holiday wishes to you & yours


'Twas the night before Christmas [Microsoft version]

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 24, 2014 10:45pm

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except father's mouse.
The computer was humming, the icons were hopping,
As father did last-minute Internet shopping. 

The stockings were hung next the modem with care
In the hope that Santa would bring new software.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
With visions of computer games filling their heads.

Dark Forces for Billy, Doom II is for Dan,
Carmen Sandiego for Pamela Ann.
The letters to Santa had been sent out by mom,
To Santa @ toyshop dot northpole dot com

Which now had been re-routed to Washington State
Where Santa's workshop had been moved by Bill Gates.
All the elves and the reindeer had had to skedaddle
To flashy new quarters in suburban Seattle.

After living a life that was simple and spare,
Santa now finds that he's a new billionaire,
With a shiny red Porsche in place of his sleigh,
And a house on Lake Washington just down the way

From where Bill has his mansion, and the old fellow preens
In black Gucci boots and red Calvin Klein jeans.
The elves have stock options and desks with a view,
Where they write computer code for Johnny and Sue.

No more dolls or tin soldiers or little toy drums
Will be under the tree, only compact disk ROMs
With the Microsoft label. So spin up your drive,
From now on Christmas runs only on Win95.

More rapid than eagles the competitors came,
And Bill whistled, and shouted, and called them by name.
"Now, Adobe! now, Claris! now, Intuit! too,
Now, Apple! and Netscape! you're all of you through,

It's Microsoft's Santa that the kids can't resist,
It's the ultimate software with a traditional twist.
Recommended by no less than the jolly old elf,
And on the package, a picture of Santa himself.

Get 'em young, keep 'em long is Microsoft's theme,
And a merger with Santa is a marketer's dream.
To the top of the Nasdaq! To the top of the Dow!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away - wow!"

And mum in her 'kerchief and me in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
The whir and the hum of our satellite platter,

As it turned toward that new Christmas star in the sky,
The Santalite owned by the Microsoft guy.
As I sprang from my bed and was turning around,
My computer turned on with a Jingle-Bells sound.

And there on the screen was a smiling Bill Gates
Next to jolly old Santa, two arm-in-arm mates.
And I heard them exclaim in voices so bright,
Have A Microsoft Christmas,
And To All A Good Night.


Merry Christmas !! Feliz Navidad !! Joyeux Noël !! Meri Kirihimete !! UKhisimusi Omule !! 圣诞快 !! Geseende Kersfees!!

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 24, 2014 12:26pm

Wishing you 
all the timeless treasures
Of Christmas,
The warmth of home,
The love of family
And the company of Good Friends...

The wonderful gift of Christmas is that 
It is not merely a one day 
Or one time experience, 
It lasts the whole year through!

The Merriest of Christmas and Holiday wishes to you & yours! 


Killing me softly ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 24, 2014 12:32 am

Tis Christmas Eve ... And I have one last serious matter before the silly season truly grabs hold of us all.

A very dear friend of mine recently asked the following question during one of his in public awareness & motivational communications on 'Drugs and our Youth': Have we failed this generation? 

My friend's name is Anthony ... 

Anthony has experienced just about all of the different kinds addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc. ) and its effects & down-the-line impacts, over the course of the past 30 years. He had gone from being a Drug Squad Detective & Company Director to park-bench-bum and ALL-sorts-of-substance abuser. Anthony hit his rock-bottom, and finally woke up to his reality (or lack thereof), after his (too-young) nephew died of a drug overdose. His daughter was born that same day.

Anthony says he received support and love from (what he thought to be) the most unlikely people and places. He cleaned up, finally sticking to his guns, and dedicated his life to extending a helping-hand to folk who find themselves in that same/similar position. At the same time this also strengthened his resolve to stay clean. After approximately 3 yrs of sobriety he founded the "Recovering Addicts Empowering Lives" support groups in the Western Cape and also started facilitating public awareness & motivational talks. Anthony's talks were harsh & brutal (and 'sobering' to affected family members) - with absolutely no sugar-coating. (I believe that this may be the the thing that keeps folk engaged - most people would say that no one had ever spoken to them the way Anthony had)

This particular support group has a holistic approach - focussing on the needs of both the recovering addict as well as their deeply affected loved ones. My family and I are/were one of these affected families. Anthony often, during meetings, shared with the groups that he, after a short while changed his slant by seeing 'being in the public eye' as an 'insurance policy' instead of additional pressure on his sobriety. In a similar way - Positivity, setting & sticking to boundaries are 3 of the integral parts of both the addict as well as their family's 'insurance policies' 

A Safe & Sober Living Farm (to prepare the recovering addict for integration back into the community) was opened, in Worcester's Breede Valley, after a woman offered Anthony the use of a rural property, as is, as a way of 'giving back' to the community AFTER being 'given back her family's lives'. A contract was drawn up giving Anthony the option to, after 5 years, acquire the property at a ridiculously reduced price.

Some of the points Anthony often talked about (questions asked in order to raise awareness & surface the red flags) during my time with the support group & farm which stays, uppermost, in my mind as I raise and guide my daughter at this stage are: 

- Have we allowed our children to dictate terms and conditions of how they want to be raised? 
- Do we teach them table manners?... Have family dinner time ISO quick supper in front of the TV?
- Do we allow our children to disrespect others and not correct them? 
- Have we failed to pass on respect and morals to our children? 

- Do we as families pray together?
- Are they simply 'given' rewards without instilling daily chore routines (helping around the house, or earning it, taught the value of money)
- Are they allowed to just leave things lying aroung for Mom/domestic to pick up? (Lack of responsibility)

- Do we know were they are at all times? who their friends are? 
- Do we check what they do on the computer? 
- Are we afraid to do drug testing when we notice changes in their behaviour? 

- Is it easier to give money and send them to the mall than to spend time with our children?
- Have we enabled them with the latest Laptops, cellphones and name brands because we don't/can't spend the necessary time with them? 
- Have we becoming financial enabling parents due to the rush and pressures of life? 

*insurance policy = the more people who know I'm a recovering addict the less chance there is that I'll think I can fool someone ...

  • Do our children look up to us a role models? And are we?

  • Have our teenagers become screenagers without us getting involved? (children taking Parents 'hostage' in their own home? )

  • Have we LOST a generation to drugs because of our lack of guidance in, and and time for, our greatest investment ????

Yours Always,

Dear Santa

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 23, 2014 6:28 pm

... There are 1 or 2 things I would like to ask Santa for ... But I'll just stick with this, for now ... 

... So I can dream of you ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 22, 2014 2:56 am

I am back after a delightful evening out doing what I love ... now I'm feeling just a tad sentimental ...

I mentioned earlier that there are only 2 things that can make me forget everything and everyone for moments at a time ... That is NOT entirely true.

I actually am blessed with quite a few things that captures my heart and soul ...

Family & Friends: There is nothing in the world, for me, that is more beautiful, more meaningful and more restorative as spending time with my family and friends. They can be a crazy bunch, however, there are TONS o' love & mutual respect to go around. We don't have any of that "I am better than you because I am 'xxx' at my job; or I earn 'xxxx' and have more 'stuff' than you therefore I am better than you". We get together once every quarter and when we do it is just insane! Everyone is happy to see everyone else - Everyone wants to know what the other's been up to ... Despite the fact that everyone is connected via F*ceB**k!

Work: I am blessed to have full- and part-time roles which I am incredibly passionate about. I've designed the time spent at each in such a way that there are no conflicts or complications (i strongly dislike unnecessary, or self-inflicted, complications). Each role allows expression of two rather contrasting slants.

My full-time business analyst role allows me to be creative within a rather structured and conservative environment. IT requires structure and rules. Rules determine what type of output you'll receive. Rules are VERY important! I do, however, really enjoy finding new and creative ways in which to dance around these ever-important, unbreakable rules and make work life enjoyable for my fellow plebs, as well as for myself.

My part-time photography role allows creative expression with NO boundaries. It, often, also allows me to live vicariously through a wide variety of assignments (be it photographing public events, individuals or groups; product or company launches; car shows, etc. ) Photography has always been a passion. Most families have an older aunt-with-camera-glued-to-her-hand ... Mine had me. As I write I am smiling from ear-to-ear as memories flood my mind ... most of them are drippingly sweet .. others, perhaps, just a little less so.

Various charity initiatives: Both my professional and part time roles afford me opportunities to coordinate community initiatives (inside and outside of my own community). Initiatives, thus far, have included less-fortunate pre-and primary school requirement gathering; drug rehabilitation center, and seniors groups' self-sustainability projects as well as participation in a national eduction-drive for less-fortunate rural schools, called Rally-to-Read.

Music & Dance: These two, for me, go hand-in-hand. I love all kinds of music - I don't think that there's any kind of music that I would not listen to. Everyday, though, I discover that there is so much more for me to uncover! lol ... The aspect of music/song that I enjoy most is not, necessarily, the emotion and release that the rhythm illicits ... it comes from good lyrics. So when I listen to a song ... IF it has good rhythm then the song, itself, will only capture me wholly IF there is meaning in its lyrics. E.g. One of Enrique Iglesias songs, "Love to see you cry" As much as I love listening to Enrique and as good a rhythm as this particular song has, the lyrics just ruins it (for me). Why on earth would 'seeing some cry' make you happy!!!???

I'll end this recount with an extract from a song which I listened to while driving to last night's event. I didn't catch the artists name and I cannot recall the lyrics which precede or follow, the extract. The extract itself, however, had me thinking about John, my Dad, my Gran and several other folk who have passed over to the other side. It left me smiling and my heart in an even lighter state than it was before.

"Let me sleep
So I can dream of you
Let me sleep
So I can be with you"

Yours Always,

Heaven-on-earth #001

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 21, 2014 9:06 pm

I am flittin' off to 'work' for a bit ... (Part-time passion) ... #HeavenOnEarth

You might ask yerself: Why on earth would she say "Heaven-on-earth" ???? 
Well ... How many folk (short of professionals) can work while they dance & sing AND dance & sing while they work?!!! 

I will miss y'all .... NOT!!!!  ... But only because (only) these 2 'activities' can make her forget Everything & Everyone ... however fleetingly.

Caught up (in the rapture :D )

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 20, 2014 4:00 am

Well, I am all caught up on blog admin!!!! Yeeee-hawwwww!!!!!!!! I blog elsewhere, also - as most of you probably do - The content is not m u c h different but there are a few things (Can you believe!!!???) she can say out there, which she cannot, in here ...

It is currently 20/12/14 03.59 am here in South Africa .(just a wee bit past my bedtime, mind you ... ) . and I  swe-arrrrrr! .. this is the second night this week where sleep is, like, the furthest thing from my mind. Probably because I am too wound up about trailing behind. I do  not like tardiness. I do not like to be found wanting. Chop-chop!! This is how I roll!

So now the  mind wanders ... I think of the song: Caught up in the rapture, by Anita Baker & Caught up, by John Legend & Usher, respectively ... In fact, me thinks I feel a bit like singing (now don't laugh, hear ... I have a karaoke app on my iPad and phone - and it happens to be my favourite app !  ...

Anyhoo ... perhaps once I've done THAT then sleep will steal me away ...

Saturday 20 December 2014

I'll have it in this ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 19 2014 6:39 pm.

While I was flitting about Bloggerville I found this lovely piece contained in an inactive (or so it seems) member's blogheader. Minor details have been changed to suit.

I want my love, my joy, my laugh, my smile, my needs
Not in the star signs
Or the palm that he reads
I want a heart-racing, pressure-elevating, b r e a t h - t a k i n g ... kiss
Not in the next life ...
I'll have it in this.

OOooo ... the wee one really likes this piece ...


I chose ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 190 2014 6:22 am.

Prescript: The below thoughts and experiences are more a note-to-self, much like placing a stake in the ground as a measuring stick, than a sharing. I have made NO presumptions.


The above image displays but a few examples of emotions and thoughts that I have, to varying degrees, felt over the past few years. Dealing with the death of a precious love, beloved Father and the gentle, yet fleeting, promise of a first-born (daughter/son, I'll never know) is gut-wrenching and utterly exhausting !!! 

I know, now, that if there was even just one extra chink in my armor, at ANY point along the way, I doubt that I would be here, today, to talk through this. 

I was strong-minded and unyielding before these events occurred. I am empathetic, keenly observant of what others are feeling, more tolerant, less-internal and strong, yet, open-minded subsequent to these events. I also know that I have been too strong for too very long (2nd Mary J. Blige reference on the wee Pixie's blog). I am tired of - sometimes it actually felt as though I was pretending to be strong but I KNOW that THAT was never true. 

I KNOW that the strength which got me through that dark time is a true reflection of how I felt, what I wanted and where I knew I needed to head toward. I KNOW this because the exhaustion was the direct result of endless battles on many, many dark days and nights. Going gently (into Shakespeare's good night) had always, and only ever, been a thought I entertained in the very early days of my grief when EVERYTHING  just.  felt.  too.  much. When negotiating, debating, arguing and sometimes
even fighting with God, was. just. too. much. 

My grieving process was much like overcoming an addiction. (I am able to make this correlation because in the more recent past I closely witnessed a near-impossible battle) You have to make decisions, DAILY, about whether or not you rise in the morning to face another day; whether or not to turn the wheel of your car or accelerate ever so slightly, perhaps into the path of another car; whether or not to eat; whether or not you are going to stay lost I that dark abyss (sometimes it can be very comforting there); whether or not you are going to going to continue wishing for the way things were. 

I kept wishing to be the person I was before these heart-felt losses. I have learnt over time, however, that you can never, ever, be that person again. You become (through no fault of your own) the sum of THAT person plus ALL of the experiences, emotions, hurt, love & hate that followed.

Grief changes you. You can either allow it to numb, destroy and darken your soul OR you can let (yes, let) it split open your heart, allow yourself to feel EVERYTHING and somehow find a way through, see in-living-color and MAKE THE MOST of LIFE.

The fact that I am here today, of (mostly) sound mind and body, means that: 
I CHOSE to not go gently into that good night. 
I CHOSE to appreciate sunrises and sunsets, again.
I CHOSE to see the blue of the sea; the green in the trees; and the golden hues of the sun, again.




A wee welcome home ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 12, 2014 9:33 pm.

My oldest Bloggerville Friend is, as I blog, homeward bound (from a 3 week-long visit to Atlanta, Georgia) and currently aboard his final-leg-of-the-journey aeroplane headed for Cape Town International Airport.

Jeremy and I met in 2007 in this very Bloggerville after I became an avid watcher of his and his pal's blogs. It wasn't until s e v e r a l comments were made and received that they discovered that they actually lived down the road from each other. What's it they say about small worlds?

We have, ever since, been the best-est of friends EVEN THOUGH they do not get to see each other as often as one would think they might. (Work!!! ... when he's free of it then the I am impossibly busy, and vice versa. Eish!!! )

Anyhoo, it wasn't until this past Saturday, over Whatsapp messenger, that I finally told him that I had come back to the place that had, once, returned me to life. ( 'suppose she needed to find her 'wings' and perhaps re-establish her identity, first ... )

The things, though, that I look forward to most, post Jeremy's return tomorrow, is dinner on Friday night. She expects lots of Tapas & Sangria (popular food of the wee Pixie's (tough toss-up for f#1 & #2) favourite country in the whole wide world) ), lots of stories and pho-ties, and of course Bloggerville catch-up!!!!


My 2014 favorite ...... #001

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 12, 2014 9:33 pm

Internet images received (via e-mail) during 2014

ps. I've ALWAYS believed in the power of touch ... Particularly hugs....


Miles ahead ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 10, 2014 9:33 pm

No matter how many mistakes you make ...

Or how slow the progress -

You are still miles ahead of anyone who isn't trying.


Once upon a memory ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 10, 2014 10:20 pm

I was reading McManiac's latest blogpost - He has cottoned on to kathynj~'s blog about remembering her childhood phone numer. McManiac thought after we all played "4 things", perhaps we could all play "childhood memories".


Here are some o' mine:

1. My phone # for my house (until just before I turned 11) was 733-932.

2. I remember standing in the front of my first house (age 6) wearing my newsprint dress; little sack of marbles in my left hand and my new (2-cm-in-diameter) GONG in my right hand. I remember thinking: Suck-ers!!!! (had just won it off of some boys )

3. I remember coughing my lungs right out of my chest - I was 8 and my cousin had just told my two younger cousins and I to not ever smoke. As soon as he turned the corner the older of the 2 young'ens took out 3 cigarettes. I did not smoke again until after high school. (this after telling my sis that I would NEVER-EVER smoke, yuuu-eggghhhh! )

4. I remember standing in line, at the post office, with my late Dad. It was shortly after the 'Whites-only'signs came down. A white man - he must have been about my Dad's age - was looking at me strangely. I looked right back at him - square in the eye - I smiled at him and maintained my position. When I got back to my Dad all he said was: "Good girl ..."

5. I remember my Dad taking my sisters and I to the Boswell Wilkie Circus for the first time. I don't remember exactly which animals I saw but I do remember a whole host of hellishly colourful shadows and vertically challenged people !

6. I remember a day when I went to Grootte Schuur hospital with my folks to visit a friend who had just birthed. I think I was the last one to close the car doors. I forgot to remove my left hand from the doorway as my right hand banged the door shut. I was taken straight through to the ER and my folks missed the maternity ward visiting hour.

7. My first memory of camping at my family's favourite spot - I was nearly 6 and sitting on a 'neighbour's' lounge chair a good couple of 'doors'down from where we were - cold drink in one hand; ice sucker in the other and a wee plate of crisps on my lap. Next thing I know my Mum and Dad appear before me - Mum with hands raking through her hair - quite beside herself. Apparently I had been 'gone' for over 2 hours - I didn't understand what the heck the big deal was.

8. I remember my first sport event: the Cap-and-Apron-race. The starter gun was fired; I ran for about 20 meters to where the cap and apron was placed; Picked up the apron at the end of the right tie; swung the rest of the apron round my back and caught the left end; brought the two ends together in front of me; tied the two ends; turned the apron right-side-front; picked up the cap and tied it- then I sprinted toward the finish line. When I turned around to see where the rest of my fwends were, they were just leaving the cap-and-apron line.

9. I remember my first junior school crush. I was in grade 6 - he was 2nd smartest in the class (after me ) and he was soooooo cute! In the final quarter's exam I let things slide - I wanted him to like me. He ended tops - and he started really talking to me. I stopped liking him and at the end of grade 7 I left him with dust in his eyes!

10. I remember my Dad being quite angry (I think I may have been about 7yo)- He was saying that R5.00 (less than 70 US cents, at the time) was taken from his nightstand. I knew it wasn't me and figured it must have been one of my 2 older sisters. I also knew that IF he thought it was one of them then their punishment would be a whole lot more severe than if it were me. I said it was me.

Geeze ... I had just about forgotten quite a few of these memories. Thanks for giving them back, Mac

Ya all got any good old memories?


Displays of affection

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 10, 2014 11:39 am

I definitely want to partake in a regal display of affection such as this. 
Who on Earth wouldn't want to ...


Creating beauty ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 4, 2014 1:33 pm

Whenever you create beauty (or inspiring good feeling or laughter) around you
You are restoring your soul ...

#AliceWalker #PositiveThoughts

Blue ribbons ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 4, 2014 1:33 pm

I happened upon this incredible 'story'on the Facey Place yesterday and knew that its message ... needed to be shared ... (true or not - it certainly rings true and makes for life-changing inspiration).

"A high school teacher decided to honor each of her graduating seniors by telling each of them the difference she felt they made as an individual.

She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time. First she told the student how they had made a difference to her and the class. Then she presented them with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold letters reading: "Who I Am Makes a Difference."

She noticed a considerable attitudinal change in the class. So she decided to do a class project to determine what impact such recognition could have on their local community.

She gave each student three more ribbons, and asked them to go out and spread an “acknowledgment ceremony.”

One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company, and honored him for helping him with his career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon and put it on his shirt.

Then the boy gave the executive two extra ribbons and asked him to find someone else to honor, and to in turn give them the extra blue ribbon so they could acknowledge a third person. The student asked the executive to report back to tell him what happened.

Later that day the junior executive went in to see his boss, who was known as a rather bad-tempered man.

He sat his boss down and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius. The boss was very surprised. The junior executive asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon, and asked for permission to pin it on him.

His surprised boss gave his permission. The executive pinned the blue ribbon on his boss's jacket directly above his heart. Then he gave his boss the third blue ribbon, and told him of the boy’s request.

That night the boss sat his 14-year-old son down and told him: "The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office and one of my junior executives came in and told me he admired me, He gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine that. He thinks I'm a creative genius.”

He then told his son he wanted to honor him, and pinned the last remaining blue ribbon on his son’s t-shirt.

The startled boy began to sob. He couldn't stop. His whole body shook. He looked at his father through his tears and told him: "Dad, earlier tonight I sat in my room and wrote a letter to you and Mom explaining why I was killing myself, and asking you to forgive me. I was going to commit suicide after you were asleep. I didn't think you cared for me at all.”

His father walked upstairs and found a heartfelt letter full of anguish and pain. The envelope was addressed, "Mom and Dad."

The boss went back to work a changed man. He called in each employee one at a time to let them know that they made a difference."

Who you are DOES make a difference!
Don’t forget it!
And make sure the people in your life know how special they are!


SA's 16 Days of Activism - Follow up

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 4, 2014 1:33 pm

Follow-up to get back to some of the folk who responded to my SA's "16 Days of Activism" post - they wanted to know what type of events were taking place over this 16 day period ... (Fyi it's day 11)

Well, I've been flitting about the Women'sNet dot org dot za after performing a g**gle search for "16 Days of Activism" + "events" ... What follows below are a few of the less time-consuming activities (or which offer more flexible slot-in times)

We can all participate in the campaign by, among other things:

  • Wear a white ribbon and/or supply white ribbons to staff members
  • Add the Logo to your website and stationary for the duration of the campaign
  • Run workshops and awareness raising events for staff, on violence against womenVolunteer at a shelter, or service org, and/or create space and time for your staff to volunteer too.
  • Blogging about any issues on gender based violence (here on Adult FriendFinder, Facey Place, Blogger, etc.)

One person doesn't have to give up everything to try and solve this problem. If we all do our bit - just do what we can, perhaps hold out a help hand, then we may just make a few cracks in this wall.

Phenomenally me ..

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 4, 2014 1:33 pm

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. 
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size 
But when I start to tell them, 
They think I'm telling lies. 
I say:
It's in the reach of my arms 
The span of my hips, 
The stride of my step, 
The curl of my lips. 
I'm a woman 
Phenomenal woman, 
That's me. 

I walk into a room 
Just as cool as you please, 
And to a man, 
The fellows stand or 
Fall down on their knees. 
Then they swarm around me, 
A hive of honey bees. 
I say:
It's the fire in my eyes, 
And the flash of my teeth, 
The swing in my waist, 
And the joy in my feet. 
I'm a woman 
Phenomenal woman, 
That's me. 

Men themselves have wondered 
What they see in me. 
They try so much 
But they can't touch 
My inner mystery. 
When I try to show them 
They say they still can't see. 
I say:
It's in the arch of my back, 
The sun of my smile, 
The ride of my breasts, 
The grace of my style. 
I'm a woman 
Phenomenal woman, 
That's me. 

Now you understand 
Just why my head's not bowed. 
I don't shout or jump about 
Or have to talk real loud. 
When you see me passing 
It ought to make you proud. 
I say:
It's in the click of my heels, 
The bend of my hair, 
the palm of my hand, 
The need of my care, 
'Cause I'm a woman 
Phenomenal woman, 

That's me.
