Friday 26 December 2014

... So I can dream of you ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 22, 2014 2:56 am

I am back after a delightful evening out doing what I love ... now I'm feeling just a tad sentimental ...

I mentioned earlier that there are only 2 things that can make me forget everything and everyone for moments at a time ... That is NOT entirely true.

I actually am blessed with quite a few things that captures my heart and soul ...

Family & Friends: There is nothing in the world, for me, that is more beautiful, more meaningful and more restorative as spending time with my family and friends. They can be a crazy bunch, however, there are TONS o' love & mutual respect to go around. We don't have any of that "I am better than you because I am 'xxx' at my job; or I earn 'xxxx' and have more 'stuff' than you therefore I am better than you". We get together once every quarter and when we do it is just insane! Everyone is happy to see everyone else - Everyone wants to know what the other's been up to ... Despite the fact that everyone is connected via F*ceB**k!

Work: I am blessed to have full- and part-time roles which I am incredibly passionate about. I've designed the time spent at each in such a way that there are no conflicts or complications (i strongly dislike unnecessary, or self-inflicted, complications). Each role allows expression of two rather contrasting slants.

My full-time business analyst role allows me to be creative within a rather structured and conservative environment. IT requires structure and rules. Rules determine what type of output you'll receive. Rules are VERY important! I do, however, really enjoy finding new and creative ways in which to dance around these ever-important, unbreakable rules and make work life enjoyable for my fellow plebs, as well as for myself.

My part-time photography role allows creative expression with NO boundaries. It, often, also allows me to live vicariously through a wide variety of assignments (be it photographing public events, individuals or groups; product or company launches; car shows, etc. ) Photography has always been a passion. Most families have an older aunt-with-camera-glued-to-her-hand ... Mine had me. As I write I am smiling from ear-to-ear as memories flood my mind ... most of them are drippingly sweet .. others, perhaps, just a little less so.

Various charity initiatives: Both my professional and part time roles afford me opportunities to coordinate community initiatives (inside and outside of my own community). Initiatives, thus far, have included less-fortunate pre-and primary school requirement gathering; drug rehabilitation center, and seniors groups' self-sustainability projects as well as participation in a national eduction-drive for less-fortunate rural schools, called Rally-to-Read.

Music & Dance: These two, for me, go hand-in-hand. I love all kinds of music - I don't think that there's any kind of music that I would not listen to. Everyday, though, I discover that there is so much more for me to uncover! lol ... The aspect of music/song that I enjoy most is not, necessarily, the emotion and release that the rhythm illicits ... it comes from good lyrics. So when I listen to a song ... IF it has good rhythm then the song, itself, will only capture me wholly IF there is meaning in its lyrics. E.g. One of Enrique Iglesias songs, "Love to see you cry" As much as I love listening to Enrique and as good a rhythm as this particular song has, the lyrics just ruins it (for me). Why on earth would 'seeing some cry' make you happy!!!???

I'll end this recount with an extract from a song which I listened to while driving to last night's event. I didn't catch the artists name and I cannot recall the lyrics which precede or follow, the extract. The extract itself, however, had me thinking about John, my Dad, my Gran and several other folk who have passed over to the other side. It left me smiling and my heart in an even lighter state than it was before.

"Let me sleep
So I can dream of you
Let me sleep
So I can be with you"

Yours Always,

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