Friday 26 December 2014

Caught up (in the rapture :D )

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 20, 2014 4:00 am

Well, I am all caught up on blog admin!!!! Yeeee-hawwwww!!!!!!!! I blog elsewhere, also - as most of you probably do - The content is not m u c h different but there are a few things (Can you believe!!!???) she can say out there, which she cannot, in here ...

It is currently 20/12/14 03.59 am here in South Africa .(just a wee bit past my bedtime, mind you ... ) . and I  swe-arrrrrr! .. this is the second night this week where sleep is, like, the furthest thing from my mind. Probably because I am too wound up about trailing behind. I do  not like tardiness. I do not like to be found wanting. Chop-chop!! This is how I roll!

So now the  mind wanders ... I think of the song: Caught up in the rapture, by Anita Baker & Caught up, by John Legend & Usher, respectively ... In fact, me thinks I feel a bit like singing (now don't laugh, hear ... I have a karaoke app on my iPad and phone - and it happens to be my favourite app !  ...

Anyhoo ... perhaps once I've done THAT then sleep will steal me away ...

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