Saturday 20 December 2014

SA's "16 Days of Activism"

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Nov 28, 2014 1:41 pm

In South Africa we are currently on Day 03 of the "16 Days of Activism" campaign which speaks out against the "Abuse and Violence of Women & Children".

I support the campaign completely. Having, for (Thank God & the Angels he sent to be there for me) a short while, been one of the women the campaign speaks of but also, now being of sound mind & in-tact mental and emotional faculties ,surely one just knows when wrong is WRONG!

I take a step back, however, and am also mindful that these injustices are not limited to Women & Children. And urge that the plight of the abused Husband, Father and Male Partner not be overlooked, diminished or disregarded.


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