Saturday 20 December 2014

SA's 16 Days of Activism - Follow up

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 4, 2014 1:33 pm

Follow-up to get back to some of the folk who responded to my SA's "16 Days of Activism" post - they wanted to know what type of events were taking place over this 16 day period ... (Fyi it's day 11)

Well, I've been flitting about the Women'sNet dot org dot za after performing a g**gle search for "16 Days of Activism" + "events" ... What follows below are a few of the less time-consuming activities (or which offer more flexible slot-in times)

We can all participate in the campaign by, among other things:

  • Wear a white ribbon and/or supply white ribbons to staff members
  • Add the Logo to your website and stationary for the duration of the campaign
  • Run workshops and awareness raising events for staff, on violence against womenVolunteer at a shelter, or service org, and/or create space and time for your staff to volunteer too.
  • Blogging about any issues on gender based violence (here on Adult FriendFinder, Facey Place, Blogger, etc.)

One person doesn't have to give up everything to try and solve this problem. If we all do our bit - just do what we can, perhaps hold out a help hand, then we may just make a few cracks in this wall.

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