Saturday 20 December 2014

A wee welcome home ...

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 12, 2014 9:33 pm.

My oldest Bloggerville Friend is, as I blog, homeward bound (from a 3 week-long visit to Atlanta, Georgia) and currently aboard his final-leg-of-the-journey aeroplane headed for Cape Town International Airport.

Jeremy and I met in 2007 in this very Bloggerville after I became an avid watcher of his and his pal's blogs. It wasn't until s e v e r a l comments were made and received that they discovered that they actually lived down the road from each other. What's it they say about small worlds?

We have, ever since, been the best-est of friends EVEN THOUGH they do not get to see each other as often as one would think they might. (Work!!! ... when he's free of it then the I am impossibly busy, and vice versa. Eish!!! )

Anyhoo, it wasn't until this past Saturday, over Whatsapp messenger, that I finally told him that I had come back to the place that had, once, returned me to life. ( 'suppose she needed to find her 'wings' and perhaps re-establish her identity, first ... )

The things, though, that I look forward to most, post Jeremy's return tomorrow, is dinner on Friday night. She expects lots of Tapas & Sangria (popular food of the wee Pixie's (tough toss-up for f#1 & #2) favourite country in the whole wide world) ), lots of stories and pho-ties, and of course Bloggerville catch-up!!!!


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