Saturday 20 December 2014

E x - h a l e . . . (To the lovely tune of the incomparable Ms.Whitney)

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Dec 3, 2014 9:32 pm

So I made my way back to Bloggerville this evening - inhaling the salty-aired ocean breeze - And my being lightened.

As I flitted over Bloggerville I felt a gentle ache to reach out my wee hand and gently stroke the ever-present sun-kissed tree tops .... The tree tops are always such a soother!

... In - h a l e ... Ex - h a l e ....

Anyhoo, moving along ever so swiftly ... Got a tad blinded by the awe-inspiring lost and last few rays sunlight that I didn't see a gosh-darn blog post sticking out, just a tad higher than the rest. And a way-ward bit of tree bark echhhh-ing-ly s c a t h e d my wee-est of knees ... Owwwweeee! That'll teach a wee Pixie to NOT stop and smell the roses toooo-too often, ey!?

The way-ward blog-post-tree-bark belongs to GardenBoy321's HNW: My Pumas ...

Then upon arrival at my wee Treehouse I found my friends, CheatMeRight, LindoBoy100 and rockkickass69v2 showing me some love. Their respective gestures meant a GREAT deal to me.

That brings us back to how I am feeling right about now! Funnily enough it makes me reach out to yet another Maya Angelou poem ....

Which one? you might ask ... Stay tuned to just this spot on your dial, is all this wee Pixie prepared to say right now ...

ps ... this post and content represents but a snapshot of my day .. ALL of my friends' love and humour are taken right to heart.

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Pixie :)