Wednesday 21 January 2015

Firsts ...

A HUGE smile!!!

Today's post has GOT to be about my wee Tink's FIRST DAY at BIG school. I took my leave of 'work' so that I could deliver her to, and retrieve her from, her new world. A world so large (I'm sure it must have seemed so to her ... It did to me, IF I go by the very vivid memories that still reside in the recesses of my mind ... ) that I wanted to just wrap her inside the safety, and security, of my embrace and not let go. I didn't, though. She's a tough wee Tink and stunting her natural development is the LAST thing I want to do. Instead I gently stroked along the side of her li'l face and gave her a confident, strong and reassuring smile.

She did not cry ... and neither did I. That does not mean I didn't want to ... or feel the need to.

For me, it is ALL about always being a good example for the week Tink. I deliberately did not use the word 'SET' since, given our respective exposure to the world, teaching our children the right way (and not the right way according to us, necessarily) should not be a dictatorship - It should, perhaps, be more of a collaboration ... with strict boundaries. Allowing them to explore themselves, nurturing them and then guiding them in their wee worlds.

Boundaries ... Too many of our children lack this. Too many of our children are criticized and, often, even ostracized for the way they turn out. Not that the way children reach adulthood is solely attributed to their childhood experience or the level of parenting received. At some point they make their own decisions, carve out their own paths in the world ... Live their own lives. Having said that, though, It is critical (I believe) that their 'foundation' is laid properly, and thoroughly.

Back to the wee Tink. She looked so adorable. She started 'Grade R' today. The level of excitement in the house last night was SO electrifying that should could barely go off to La-La-Land. AND then she was up at the crack of dawn and got dressed on her own, before waking me, even. She just stood their with an    e n o r m o u s     ear-to-ear grin and said "G'morning Mum! "

My wee Tink is a touch independent. Have I mentioned that before? (insert soft, but extremely proud, simile)


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