Tuesday 13 January 2015

She really started something ... (To the tune of the late Luther Vandross' song)

Posted elsewhere, originally, on Jan 07, 2015 12:28 am

OOOOOooooo ... AP has really started something now !! She, very recently, (lol today, actually) published her King, or The Queen of Fetishism post. Her closing statement contained a request in which she asks her watchers to share their fetishes (eccentricities/unusual attachments)

The wee Pixie rubbed/scratched her chin, ear & earring ... and all sorts of other things as she pondered her response - not having a clue what it would turn out to be ( ... funny just how short-term one's memory can sometimes be). Once she started tapping away at her response, though, she just kept on going! ... the after-thought being to turn it into a blog lest she forgets the day's joy-maker.

... It seems that I:

... have a thang for BIG baths. Not Jacuzzis-n-the-likes, but the classic clawed-foot (gotta be white though, and sliver claws) with steaming hot water, perhaps a bubble-or-two, but definitely a glass of deep-red wine.

... I also have a thang for really well-maintained, unmodified, classic cars - the older the better.

... also a thang for classic shapes, e.g. architecture, furniture, photography, jewellery, fabrics (soft & silky, sometimes satiny but always classic, cuts )

... and ...(and though she can listen, and like, just about any type of music) I have a thang for classical-type music - particularly opera ... Oh, alright, ya got me! Especially opera.

... What the !!!Bloggerville-Board-of-Pixies!# does all of this mean ... ( ... for, or about, me.. ??? )

ps ... Lyric extract from the LV song being referenced:

"You didn't tell me, you really started something
Scares me to the bone, you really started something
How does it feel knowing, you really started something
That I can't leave you alone"

... lol ... hope the charming (... I really should, permanently change that to dis-arm-ing] Lindo doesn't mind my using his M.O. right now ...

This post has suddenly takin' on a life of its own ... Should she be concerned?
MORE IMPORTANTLY .. Should she be seeking counsel since it feels like the wee one thinks like she may be talking to herself (& and enjoying this) just a weeeee bit too much. And NO !!! this Pix-ie does not drink-n-fly!!! .. eish!

pps ... Just did my "Sing OUT LOUD" for today !
ppps ... (quickly) Followed by today's "Dance OFTEN" !!
pppps ... (swiftly) Followed by today's "Laugh LOUD" !!!
ppppps ... ... And the Loving FIERCELY-bit .... Well, there really can be no sense in rushin' when it comes to things that should really be slow-cookin', ey???? ... w h I c h m e a n s that ALL that's left, today, is to "TAKE OVER THE WORLD" !!!!

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