Friday 30 January 2015

I didn't know I needed to see you ...

I left a comment, moments ago, in which I mentioned my late Dad. After I left that blog I remembered a strange experience I had on my way home from work.

I stopped at my usual garage to pick up a treat for my wee Tink and as I lifted my head (after getting my purse from my bag) .. placed my hand on the door handle and then ... I. just. froze.

I couldn't tell you how many thoughts ran through my head, or just how fast they flew through there! Right opposite me, in the garage store doorway was a very familiar-looking man, partly obscured by one of the racks. I honestly did a five-take, shaking my head and looking again.

This man looked SO much like my Dad it was uncanny! He appeared to be about 7-10 years older than the last time I saw my Dad nearly 6 years ago. He wore a baseball-type hat .. the same style and colour as my Dad's favourite one. The shape of his chin, his colouring and posture!!! I ....I was .. I doubted what I was seeing. Un-real thoughts flew all around! It couldn't possibly be!

It wasn't. I wanted to get a closer look and eventually got myself out the car. I had to go around the one way and the exit route was round the other way. When I turned around he was gone! I looked out the door and I saw him disappear into the dark. He must live close by, I thought.

I left it at that and went about my business. When I got back in the car I felt such sense of calm ... I guess I just needed to see my Daddy. There have been so much going on - and he and I used to talk about everything ...



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