Sunday 22 February 2015

An inspiring birthday

Posted:Feb 21, 2015 6:03 pm
Last Updated:Feb 22, 2015 10:24 am

My dear friend DoDoes has surfaced the fact that TODAY is Nina Simone's BIRTHDAY !!!

This here Pixie was not entirely ignorant of this li'l fact. During the course of all the time she spent on the Nina & Nina, soothe my soul ... posts, yesterday, she just did not compute that she was doing all of this right on eve of the ever-inspiring icon's BIRTHDAY !!! 😯 😮 😧

The wee Pixie WAS feeling just an eency-weency bit inspired when started the Nina & Nina, soothe my soul ... posts ... She was oblivious of the origin of said inspiration, though ... All she knew was that she needed to write about Nina.

She has now elected / chosen to believe it MUST all have been pre-determined.

Nina, soothe my soul ...

Posted:Feb 20, 2015 9:49 pm
Last Updated:Feb 21, 2015 5:27 pm

It's been a while since This-here-Pixie's had a sitting like this. I've missed it ... I didn't know I needed to see you ... Nina, which means 'tis long overdue ...

Nina, d'you understand me now
If sometimes you see that I'm mad
Doncha know no one alive can always be ... an Angel ... ?
When everything goes wrong, you see some bad

But I'm ... Just a soul whose ... intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

You've been gone too long,
You've been gone much too long,
Pixie, I'm telling you
You've been gone too long ...

... All these years I've been learning to save fingers from burning
Tomorrow is my turn
No more doubts no more fears
Tomorrow is my turn to receive without giving
Make life worth living
Now it's my life I'm living
My only concern for tomorrow, Nina, is MY turn

Pixie, I always say nobody knows you
When you're down and out
In your pocket, you ain't got one penny
And your friends, you didn't have any
Just as soon as you get up on your feet again
Here they all come, they say that they're your long-lost friend
Oh lord without a doubt
Nobody wants you
Nobody needs you
Nobody wants you
When you're down and out

People laugh each time they see us walking by
and their whispering just make
You feel like you want to cry.
Keep on walking by my side, don't look behind.
You know I'm always with you, Pixie
so don't you pay 'em no mind.

Nina ... In the morning when the moon is at it's rest,
You will see me at the time I love the best
Watching rainbows play on sunlight;
Pools of water iced from cold night,
In the morning ...
'Tis the morning of my life.

In the daytime I will meet you as before.
You will find me waiting by the ocean floor,
Building castles in the shifting sands
In a world that no one understands,
In the morning ...
'Tis the morning of my life!

I take it you ready for this action, Pixie?
Does it give you satisfaction
Are you hip to what I'm sayin'
If you are then let's start walkin'
The answer better be yes ... Yes!
... That pleases me

All I want, Nina, is someone who can, earnestly, say.:
"I can only give you country walks in spring time
The hand to hold when leaves begin to fall
And the lover's burning lights were born on the winter nights
That's all that's all

There are those who have told you
They could give you the whole round world for a toy
All I have are my arms to enfold you
And a love time can never destroy destroy

So if you're wondering what I'm asking in return
You'll be so surprised to know my demands are small
Just say it's me that you adore for now and evermore."

is this too much to ask for, Nina? Cause that's all I ask for ... that is all

xOxOx ALL credit to Nina Simone!!

Nina ...

Posted:Feb 20, 2015 9:43 pm
Last Updated:Feb 21, 2015 5:12 pm

Nina Simone, a light that continues to illuminate my path ...


Nina Simone /ˈniːnə sɨˈmoʊn/ (born Eunice Kathleen Waymon; February 21, 1933 – April 21, 2003) was an American singer, songwriter, pianist, arranger, and civil rights activist widely associated with jazz music. She worked in a broad range of styles including classical, jazz, blues, folk, R&B, gospel, and pop.

The sixth child of a preacher's family in North Carolina, Nina aspired to be a concert pianist. Her musical path changed direction after she was denied a scholarship to the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, despite a well-received audition. Simone said she later found out from an insider at Curtis that she was denied entry because she was black.

So, to fund her continuing musical education and become a classical pianist, she began playing in a small club in Philadelphia where she was also required to sing. She was approached for a recording by Bethlehem Records, and her rendition of "I Loves You, Porgy" was a hit in the United States in 1958. Over the length of her career Simone recorded more than 40 albums, mostly between 1958, when she made her debut with Little Girl Blue, and 1974.

Her musical style arose from a fusion of gospel and pop songs with classical music, in particular with influences from her first inspiration, Johann Sebastian Bach, and accompanied with her expressive jazz-like singing in her characteristic contralto voice.

She injected as much of her classical background into her music as possible to give it more depth and quality, as she felt that pop music was inferior to classical. Her intuitive grasp on the audience–performer relationship was gained from a unique background of playing piano accompaniment for church revivals and sermons regularly from the early age of six years old.

Credits to a wiki, wicked world ... And thank God the woman persisted ... This here Pixie would have been utterly lost without her! 

Naked Girls Reading ...

Posted:Feb 19, 2015 9:39 pm
Last Updated:Feb 21, 2015 5:30 pm

Naked Girls : 21 February 2015
The return of the nude literary event celebrating LGBTI writers and stories.

Venue: Alexander Bar & Cafe, 76 Strand St, Cape Town
Time: 5pm to 6.30pm | 7pm to 8.3opm


Naked Girls Reading Cape Town presents Queerly Beloved

Come and let our readers lead you away from tales of the straight and narrow at the first Naked Girls Reading event dedicated to queer writers and LGBTI stories.
What is Naked Girls Read­ing?
Naked Girls Read­ing is a nude lit­er­ary salon that takes place in twenty cities around the world and on five dif­fer­ent con­ti­nents

At each event, a small cast of beau­ti­ful ladies removes their cloth­ing (yes, all of it) and reads per­sonal selec­tions to an ador­ing audi­ence. It is enter­tain­ing, mag­i­cal, often funny, some­times heart wrench­ing and really very sexy.

Are the girls really naked?. Yes, we are.

Is the audi­ence naked? No, they are not.

There’s some­thing beau­ti­ful, some­thing alto­gether more inti­mate, about a woman read­ing in the nude. It’s just that sim­ple.


... Found that this Cape Town event is not unique in its nature ... Here follows a not-so-recent NYC version ...

Horse Trade presents : Naked Girls Reading
When: 17 Sept, 2014

Naked Girls Reading NYC is the perfect intimate live event: a monthly nude literary salon featuring in-the-buff readings by local burlesque luminaries, professional librarians, authors and other Naked Girls.

Past themes have included Banned Books, Science Fiction, and Tween Lit, as well as their annual holiday presentation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

Guests to the salon are invited to sip a drink and listen with their eyes wide open as full-frontal literature meets fine art in this intimate theatrical setting.


... Upon further investigation we find that there is a Minneappolis chapter, as well as one in Philadelphia!! (Wonder if Koffla knows ... Or has been??? ... )

This is not an official BloggerVille Board of Pixies mandate so I'll stop right here and make a, relatively, safe assumption that these 'chapters' MUST exist in all US states where laws allow for it, world-wide even!

Anyhow ... This here Pixie simply thought that this   m i g h t   be a nice way for everyone to kick-start the coming weekend ...

The wee Pixie has always known that there is something inherently sexy (sexual, perhaps?) about poetry ... And we all know how definitely alluring some cleverly exposed flesh is ... Put the two together ???!!!!!!   

Thursday 19 February 2015

Bal-le-rina Tink ...

I had the wee Tink during the year I turned 37.  I am always only too aware of how precious a gift she was/is.  

I'm feeling a wee bit mentisental (deliberately jumbled up, btw)  so I've decided to re-cord a paraphrasation (of a favorite Lionel Riche song) to convey what I'm feeling this very morn.

Ballerina Tink ... You are so love-ly
With you stand-in' there
I'm so a-ware
Of how much I care for you

You are more than now
You are for al-ways
I can see-in you my dreams come true
Don't you e-ver go a-way ... ... This is a promise no-one can make, Luv. No-one knows or has God's consent to fulfill a promise such as this. ALL I can promise you is that, no matter where I am OR what I'm doing, YOU are the light of my life. YOU are my greatest gift. YOU added a whole new dimension to my sense of completion. And I will love you until well after waters run dry and time stands still ... Till after the end of forever.

You make me feel like
There's no-thing I can't do
And when I hold you
I on-ly want to say
I love you ... 

Ballerina Tink ... The joy you bring me
E-very day and night
Hold-ing you tight
How I've wai-ted for your love

Some-imes I won-dered
If you'd e-ver come my way
Now that I've fi-nally found you
This is where my heart will stay ...

I am never gonna break your heart
Ne-ver will we drift a-part
'Cause all I want to do
Is share ALL of life with you-ou ... To prepare you for the joys, opportunities and challenges & disappointments and heart-aches. To ensure that you know you can be, and achieve ANYTHING you set your mind to. To know that it's quite o'rite to be different, strong and independant. To ALWAYS know that you are loved and worthy of love and respect, no matter what life throws, or catapults at you. 

You make me feel like
There's no-thing I can't do
I guess I fi-nally re-al-lized
There's no-thing else like lo-ving you

Bal-le-rina Tink ...
You are so love-ly
I can see in you
My dreams come true
Don't you ... e-ver ... go a-way ...

Your Pixie-Mum 

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Semana del Amor - Dia 6 (FINAL EDITION)



Happy Valentine's Day!!!! (Final Edition)

You are the call
and I
... the answer.

You are the wish
and I
... the fulfillment .

You are the night
and I
... the day.

What else,
It is perfect
It is perfectly

You ...
I ...

*** D. H. Lawrence ***

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

One half of me
Is yours,
The other half
... yours,
Mine own,
I would say;
but if mine,
then yours,
And so
... all yours. 

*** William Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice) ***

Time of posting: Saturday, 14/02/2015 18:18:00


Semana del Amor - Día de San Valentín - 6(iii)



Happy Valentine's Day!!!! (Edition 3)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints - I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

*** Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806 - 1861) ***

Time of posting: Saturday, 14/02/2015 14:42:00