Sunday 1 February 2015

Tea for two, or ...

The wee Tink hosted her first 2015 Tea Party this afternoon. And not at our house. She handled the logistics all by herself. Called her Aunty (also Mum to her favorite cousin) and with a voice dripping with honey, asked whether she could have her tea party at their house.

She then proceeded to tell me where everything, that she would need for the afternoon, was. Tea set on top of her wardrobe. Couldn't reach it herself so Mummy-dearest needed to please get it down for her. Cup cakes (which Mummy-dearest had to bake on Saturday) were on the kitchen top. Crackers in the pantry. So were the garnishing for crackers and muffins (which Aunty was asked to bake).

This is the one area where, I believe, the wee Tink (as a child) differs from her Mum. I was NOT a girlie-girl. Quite the opposite. As the youngest of 3 daughters I was very much a wee Tomboy ... Never wanting dolls or pretty pink tea parties. I grew up in close proximity of two nephews and wanted, only, to do everything they did. Ride the bike, play marbles (I had won quite a collection), Cowboys-n-crooks (Indians), racing cars ... You name it and I would have had it.

Anyhow, I've digressed. The afternoon Tea Party went off without a single hitch! And everyone, big and small, had a really fun time. She was so proud of herself!! As was I.  


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