Thursday 19 February 2015

Bal-le-rina Tink ...

I had the wee Tink during the year I turned 37.  I am always only too aware of how precious a gift she was/is.  

I'm feeling a wee bit mentisental (deliberately jumbled up, btw)  so I've decided to re-cord a paraphrasation (of a favorite Lionel Riche song) to convey what I'm feeling this very morn.

Ballerina Tink ... You are so love-ly
With you stand-in' there
I'm so a-ware
Of how much I care for you

You are more than now
You are for al-ways
I can see-in you my dreams come true
Don't you e-ver go a-way ... ... This is a promise no-one can make, Luv. No-one knows or has God's consent to fulfill a promise such as this. ALL I can promise you is that, no matter where I am OR what I'm doing, YOU are the light of my life. YOU are my greatest gift. YOU added a whole new dimension to my sense of completion. And I will love you until well after waters run dry and time stands still ... Till after the end of forever.

You make me feel like
There's no-thing I can't do
And when I hold you
I on-ly want to say
I love you ... 

Ballerina Tink ... The joy you bring me
E-very day and night
Hold-ing you tight
How I've wai-ted for your love

Some-imes I won-dered
If you'd e-ver come my way
Now that I've fi-nally found you
This is where my heart will stay ...

I am never gonna break your heart
Ne-ver will we drift a-part
'Cause all I want to do
Is share ALL of life with you-ou ... To prepare you for the joys, opportunities and challenges & disappointments and heart-aches. To ensure that you know you can be, and achieve ANYTHING you set your mind to. To know that it's quite o'rite to be different, strong and independant. To ALWAYS know that you are loved and worthy of love and respect, no matter what life throws, or catapults at you. 

You make me feel like
There's no-thing I can't do
I guess I fi-nally re-al-lized
There's no-thing else like lo-ving you

Bal-le-rina Tink ...
You are so love-ly
I can see in you
My dreams come true
Don't you ... e-ver ... go a-way ...

Your Pixie-Mum 

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