Thursday 12 February 2015

Good mor-ning ...

Originally posted elsewhere on 09 February 2015 09h13

Good morning, Good mor-ning, Good morning ...

It is week 7 of the year 2015 ... and it IS the week of  L  O  V  E  ... so let us be be   e  x  t  r  a    kind to one another, be     e  x  t  r  a    respectful ... just all together be     e  x  t  r  a    nice ...

So, to those lucky few ... make the most of your time with your wife, husband, partner; show them     e x t r a    love,     e  x  t  r  a    appreciation; give them an     e  x  t  r  a    rose; an     e  x  t  r  a    kiss each morning; and oodles and oodles of     e  x  t  r  a    hugs and cuddles, and other stuff ... You should do this often and specially, since since some of us, who are not so lucky, are living vicariously through you ...

And ... (where this case is true, i.e. the not so lucky few) just because we don't have don't currently have 'that' kind of relationship right now ... does not mean we can't be happy to see others others experiencing this special week in ALL its loving splendour ...   R   I   G   H   T   ???

Some thoughts that the wee Pixie will be mindful of this week:

"Before you speak, ask yourself
If what you are going to say:
Is true,
Is kind,
Is necessary, or
Is helpful ...
If the answer is no
Then perhaps what you
Are about to say
should rather
Be left unsaid ..."

"I go to nature
To be soothed
And healed ...
And to have my
Senses put in order" ...

"If you are not
Willing to change
Then don't expect
Your life to."

* * *

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