Friday 6 February 2015

Happy to be stuck with you ...

At 8.05 am yesterday morning (still feels like this morning)  this Pixie got stuck in the lift during a power outage. She just about finished a lovely, quite funny post to tell you all about it and then somehow deleted the last paragraph,

In a desperate attempt to get the last paragraph back, pressed CTRL R???? (trying to remember whether that was the "REDO" shortcut ... ) and then suddenly the nearly fully populated, existing "Add a Post" page just vanished into THIN air ... and a brand spanking new "Add a Post" page appeared!!!! Back button not highlighted which means the Pixie has no recourse ... ...

Anyhoo ... It likely just means that it might have been a tad over-the-top and y'all might not have enjoyed her attempt at humour ... but hey... nothing this Pixie can do about any of that now ...

Point of the whole thing was that the wee Pixie got stuck in the lift with the Head of the BloggerVille Board of Pixies, Tall-xie (pronounced Tall-zee). Tall-xie also happens to be one of the "Folk I trust implicitly " as spoken of in the "I let go ... " blog post.

So, this morning, after much conversation, hysterical laughter and an all together pleasant-enough 1 hour-stuck-in-the-lift, when the ordeal was eventually over ... Tall-zee, sporting a huge grin, shouted after .... "I was quite happy to have been stuck with you, Pixie!!!! ... "

Blegghhhh .... So anti-climactic ... (one of those "guess you needed to have been there to understand what I am, so badly, trying to relate" ... )

.. Everything happens the way it should, though ... I can always take comfort in that!


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Pixie :)