Tuesday 17 February 2015

Semana del Amor - Día de San Valentín - 6(ii)



Happy Valentine's Day!!!! (Edition 2)

Over the mountains
And over the waves,
Under the fountains
And under the graves;
Under floods that are deepest,
Which Neptune obey,
Over rocks that are steepest,
Love will find the way …

If the earth it should part him,
He would gallop it o'er;
If the seas should o'erthwart him,
He would swim to the shore;
Should his love become a swallow,
Through the air to stray,
Love will lend wings to follow,
And will find his way.

There is no striving
To cross his intent;
There is no contriving
His plots to prevent;
But if once the message greet him
That his true love doth stay,
If death should come and meet him,
Love will find the way!

*** (An anonymous 15th/16th Century Poet) ***

Time of posting: Saturday, 14/02/2015 12:05:00

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