Sunday 22 February 2015

Naked Girls Reading ...

Posted:Feb 19, 2015 9:39 pm
Last Updated:Feb 21, 2015 5:30 pm

Naked Girls : 21 February 2015
The return of the nude literary event celebrating LGBTI writers and stories.

Venue: Alexander Bar & Cafe, 76 Strand St, Cape Town
Time: 5pm to 6.30pm | 7pm to 8.3opm


Naked Girls Reading Cape Town presents Queerly Beloved

Come and let our readers lead you away from tales of the straight and narrow at the first Naked Girls Reading event dedicated to queer writers and LGBTI stories.
What is Naked Girls Read­ing?
Naked Girls Read­ing is a nude lit­er­ary salon that takes place in twenty cities around the world and on five dif­fer­ent con­ti­nents

At each event, a small cast of beau­ti­ful ladies removes their cloth­ing (yes, all of it) and reads per­sonal selec­tions to an ador­ing audi­ence. It is enter­tain­ing, mag­i­cal, often funny, some­times heart wrench­ing and really very sexy.

Are the girls really naked?. Yes, we are.

Is the audi­ence naked? No, they are not.

There’s some­thing beau­ti­ful, some­thing alto­gether more inti­mate, about a woman read­ing in the nude. It’s just that sim­ple.


... Found that this Cape Town event is not unique in its nature ... Here follows a not-so-recent NYC version ...

Horse Trade presents : Naked Girls Reading
When: 17 Sept, 2014

Naked Girls Reading NYC is the perfect intimate live event: a monthly nude literary salon featuring in-the-buff readings by local burlesque luminaries, professional librarians, authors and other Naked Girls.

Past themes have included Banned Books, Science Fiction, and Tween Lit, as well as their annual holiday presentation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

Guests to the salon are invited to sip a drink and listen with their eyes wide open as full-frontal literature meets fine art in this intimate theatrical setting.


... Upon further investigation we find that there is a Minneappolis chapter, as well as one in Philadelphia!! (Wonder if Koffla knows ... Or has been??? ... )

This is not an official BloggerVille Board of Pixies mandate so I'll stop right here and make a, relatively, safe assumption that these 'chapters' MUST exist in all US states where laws allow for it, world-wide even!

Anyhow ... This here Pixie simply thought that this   m i g h t   be a nice way for everyone to kick-start the coming weekend ...

The wee Pixie has always known that there is something inherently sexy (sexual, perhaps?) about poetry ... And we all know how definitely alluring some cleverly exposed flesh is ... Put the two together ???!!!!!!   

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