Tuesday 3 February 2015

... Elephant shoe

Tuesday, 03/02/2015 11:00

The wee Pixie needs to UP the joy-levels, here in Pixie-land just a wee bit more ... And she's pulling out the big guns. For her that means "Jimmy Nevis" !!!

This guy, Jimmy ... Dunno what it is... Don't know if it's his musical lyricism ( voice, sound); his style ... Or simply just his smile??? It's definitely not the below song lyrics!!! Wayyy too low, Joe!

But IF all else fails then this havin' THIS guy sing-'er-a-song is the way to get this here Pixie's "Heart Boxing" again !!!

[Verse 2:]
"We were the sun in the mid-night sky-y
And the stars twink-ling next to the moon
But I never ever re-cog-nized
The elephant in the room
But the end came too soon

But I loved her with the deepest part of my sou-oul
But the feeling wasn't mutual
Three words, eight letters
And this love baby could've last forever

Baby broke my heart so bad I almost turned no-go
I fell in love with someone who rode solo
I put my heart on the line
And all she said was el-e-phant shoe, e-le-phant shoe
Every tear, every smile was a lie-ie
From hello we were heading for good-bye-ey
I put my heart on the line
And all she said was el-e-phant shoe, e-le-phant shoe"

ps ... If you're not South African then you may be wondering what the song is about? ... When you 'mouthe'' the words 'elephant shoe' It actually looks as though you're saying 'I love you' ....


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