Thursday 12 February 2015

In a nutshell ...

Originally posted elsewhere on 08 February 2015 19h34

What a humbling weekend. The below sums most of it right up .. In a wee nutshell!

There is a place for people who hurt animals ...

South Africa has been voted
The most romantic country 
We eat dinner by candle light
Most every night  

Two things define your character
Your patience when you have nothing, and
Your character when you have everything -SQ

How does one let go of an attachment to something?
Don't even try ... It is impossible!
An attachment falls away by itself
As soon as you stop seeking to find yourself in them. - ET

Don't just accept where you are at in life
If you want to be better, then BE BETTER
If you want to be more, then DO MORE
It is all on you ... Just DO IT - SQ

A scar does not form on the dying
A scar means "I survived" !!!

I've never met 
a strong person
With an easy past ... 

We are always led to where we need to be
Not, necessarily, where we want to be.

Letting go isn't a one-time thing
It's something you have to do every day
Over and over again. 

I have not an ounce of regret
Every link is so valuable 
In forming the chain 
That is my life.
Who I am today 
Is because if those links
And I would not change a thing.

The one thing that did not happen today is the meet with 'R'. I was disappointed by that, however, the wee Tink had an allergic reaction and that had to be tended to first. I'll have to gather details about the meet from the rest of the girls...

oh .. and then something really strange happened last night. I did not go out .... I was feeling exhausted and decided to stay in. I ended up catching up on Big Bang Theory (one of my fav sitcoms). I laughed so hard most of the night ... next thing I knew I was crying. So much sadness welled up inside me and I still have no idea where it came from. Safe to say I tamed the laughter afterward. It was the strangest thing ... a first, even ...


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