Monday 2 February 2015

Watching my friend cry ...

It really is the hardest thing for me to watch someone I care about lose someone they care about.

There isn't very much (short of living healthily) we can do about the length of our lives. We CAN do something about its depth and worth, though. If you're aware of an area of yourself, or your life, requiring development then address it now. I'm not saying we're all going to die now ... today, or even soon. What I am saying, though, is that I do not know, for a fact, that I'll get to see all of my precious friends tomorrow, or later even.

You and I both know that life is short, and so incredibly precious, and if ever there was a moment to do something that matters (esp. to you) then that moment is NOW, dammmit!!

I realize that my writing, today, is fractured but this post is not about me and I am trying, desperately, to not go off on a tangent. 



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