Sunday 22 February 2015

An inspiring birthday

Posted:Feb 21, 2015 6:03 pm
Last Updated:Feb 22, 2015 10:24 am

My dear friend DoDoes has surfaced the fact that TODAY is Nina Simone's BIRTHDAY !!!

This here Pixie was not entirely ignorant of this li'l fact. During the course of all the time she spent on the Nina & Nina, soothe my soul ... posts, yesterday, she just did not compute that she was doing all of this right on eve of the ever-inspiring icon's BIRTHDAY !!! 😯 😮 😧

The wee Pixie WAS feeling just an eency-weency bit inspired when started the Nina & Nina, soothe my soul ... posts ... She was oblivious of the origin of said inspiration, though ... All she knew was that she needed to write about Nina.

She has now elected / chosen to believe it MUST all have been pre-determined.

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