Thursday 5 February 2015

I light these candles...

I light these candles, and
in honor of all
cancer survivors,
fighters and
those who have
lost their life
to Cancer ...

* Find the Cure*

** Raise Awareness **

*** Carry on the Fight ***

Yesterday (Wednesday, 04 February 2015) was National Cancer Day.

The reason why I did not want to write this post yesterday is because I've lost too many loved ones (family members, friends and/or friends of my friends) to cancer.  I believe that I've reconciled it all, however, there are certain days of the year when, while I am fondly remembering them, I am more susceptible to tears ... than others.

Most recently, a girlfriend 'R' (at work), was diagnosed with Lymphoma. She had always been aware of this wee lump along the side of her neck but it had never bothered her so she had never been bothered about it. At the end of November, last year, it became quite painful and she finally went as far as going to see a specialist physician. She was in and out of work for various consultations, X-rays and scans.

Eventually one mid-morning during the first week of 2015 she just did not return to the office from her latest appointment. We were informed of her diagnosis the next morning. She would only be returning to work in April, Insha'Allah (God willing). We were told that Chemotherapy was recommended and that the treatment would start ASAP ... as in immediately. None of us have been able to have a personal conversation with her, thus far. She asked her husband to let us know that she would contact us as soon as she was up to seeing non-family members.

After we learned of R's diagnosis, I think each and everyone of us went through a phase where we sat in front of our computer screens trying to learn as much about the illness as we could.

Quick facts we learnt about Lymphoma:
"Lymphoma is a group of blood cell tumors that develop from lymphocytes. It is sometimes used to refer to just the cancerous ones rather than all tumors. Symptoms may include: enlarged lymph nodes that are not generally painful, fevers, sweats, itchiness, weight loss, and feeling tired, among others. The sweats are most targeted therapy, and surgery. The overall five-year survival rate in the United States between 69 and 85%. Worldwide, lymphomas developed in 566,000 people in 2012 and caused 305,000 deaths. They make up 3–4% of all cancers, making them as a common at night.

Treatment may involve some combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, group the seventh-most common form. In children they are the third most common cancer. They occur more often in the developed world than the developing world."

We heard from 'R' this past Monday afternoon. She asked whether we (the girls) could all arrange to get together this coming Sunday. Everyone has indicated that they would be joining and, everyone is feeling anxious. Not one of us have had a direct brush with cancer and have NO idea of what she is / must have been going through this past 2 months.

We were all so pleased to finally be hearing from our friend. The mood in the office has been pensive. Mainly because, I believe, we are all wondering about the 'what' and the 'why' ... perhaps even the 'why now?'

We've all been positive ... keeping her in our prayers. My prayer is simple ... that she has the strength she needs, at this time, specifically to handle whatever the outcome.


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